Doctor's Office Products

  1. Doctor laptop, exclusive use, the doctor can have one or more computers (eg: a laptop and a personal computer at his/her house) and those computers can share the data.

  2. Doctor's office and small clinics (one to several doctors that share the same facility with one or more assistants). Includes our appointments system. In this case there are two approaches: ○ Each doctor has an exclusive medical records system that is not shared with other doctors. In this case the assistants can access the patients data but not the medical record of the patient unless the doctor gives explicit access to the assistants. This option works in a local area network and needs a server installed in the facility.

    1. All doctors and assistants share unified databases, so every doctor can see the records uploaded but other doctors but cannot modify them. This option works in a local area network and needs a server installed in the facility.

3. A group of different facilities, eg: a network of walk-in clinics. with local area networks and servers in each facility that want to keep unified medical information of the patients in the different facilities, can share the data using our servers as bridges. This way a patient can go to any of those locations and have the medical record updated.

The above options can be installed remotely and training can be done remotely as well for doctors and assistants. This group of options can be scaled from a single doctor's computer to a full local network to a group of facilities as mentioned in item 3.

UMR Health Insurance Company (HIC) System

In this case the Health Insurance Company System is installed in the headquarters of the HIC and it can connect with the caregivers system to get a follow up of the patient's medical record to audit and approve procedures in what is called pre-auditing (which is different that retrospective audit that happens after the practice has been performed). With this system we have experienced reductions in health care costs of about 30% while keeping best patient's care. This case of UMRS deployment needs a careful study of the specific workflow of the HIC and their caregivers and providers. The providers can use our UMRS system described above or in the case they have their own systems, it can be interfaced with UMRS. Includes accounting, billing control, medical auditing, online authorizations requests, procedures pricing, internal and providers physicians billing and many other functionalities. With this system the burden of paperwork, faxes, emails that is common in medical claims and auditing is overcomed. The system is prepared to store all the information digitally.

Hospitals and Clinics Products

A different situation regards to hospitals and big clinics. This kind of installations need a initial survey and analysis of the location and specialties needed and the possible interface with legacy systems (other systems that are already operational in the same location). Then a workflow for the deployment of UMRS is done before the installation can be performed.

Appointments System

UMRS appointments system allow to set appointments for the different specialists in a location with their different schedules, vacations, planning calendar and other variations that are needed. When it is connected with Unified Medical Records system it shows the patients that are in the waiting room in the same window of the medical record allowing the physician to organize better during the consultation and have a preview of the medical record of patients. It can receive online appointments from the web appointments system.

Web Appointments

Online appointment system that interface with UMRS appointment system. This way the patient can request appointments from the website or mobile phone, it adapts automatically to the different screen sizes. The web appointments and local appointments integrate in the office appointment system automatically.

Unified Medical Records Builder and Specialties Library

The Unified Medical Records Builder allow to build specialties for the different specialty physicians. UMRS keeps a library of pre-built specialties in Spanish and English.

Clinical Laboratory System (LIS Laboratory Information System)

This system is intended for small to midsize clinical laboratories and allows all the processing of the tests inside the laboratory and the communication of the tests results to Unified Medical Records System.

Interfaces to Legacy Systems

Laboratory Interface

This interface allows the clinical laboratory systems (LIS) of other vendors to integrate with Unified Medical Records with our proprietary protocol or other protocols like HL7 for transmission of clinical tests to Unified Medical Records Systems. Requires the LIS vendor to develop an exportation of their data according to our specifications

Imaging interface

This interface allows the Image providers (RX, CT, MRI, SPEC and others) to send DICOM (the standard protocol for medical imaging ) images to be transmitted on the internet and integrated to Unified Medical Records system.

Pharmacy Interface

This interface allows the pharmacies to get the information of the prescriptions to a patient that were done in Unified Medical Records system. It can interface with the pharmacy legacy system.

Report Builder

This system allows to get information with conditional predicatives from the information that is stored in UMRS different systems allowing to interface with several statistics technologies that are common in the Health Care system like Epi-Info, spreadsheets, word processors, graphic software and others that allow Big Data analysis to work in the prevention of diseases and establish policies in Health Care.

UMRS Billing Interface

This interface allow the medical centers of any level to make health care claims to the Health Insurance Companies including the information on procedures, billing information, coding and required medical record information. All the system works over secure internet connections being totally digital and prints support information.

Referral system

This system allows the different methods of referrals between physicians with the total or partial transfer of the patient medical record, with the option of updating the follow up between the originator physician and the referred physician.

UMRS App Mobile Medical Record (for patients)

This software allows the patient to keep record his/her own medical record from the different origins of the caregivers and insurances affiliated to the UMRS network in a mobile device, allowing to be integrated to referred physicians and used in emergency situations. A family medical record was introduced to follow up the medical record of relatives eg: mothers and their children.

Health Care Dashboard

Health care dashboard full view of the health care system you are managing